Saturday, May 21, 2011

Balenciaga mens dress shirts-Balenciaga less than retail-Shirtsgonewild

Balenciaga mens dress shirts-Balenciaga less than retail-Shirtsgonewild

Cristobal Balenciaga opened his business in San Sebastian, Spain 1918; which grew rapidly and soon he had many branches, including in the European metropoles Madrid and Barcelona. The Spanish royal family and the aristoracy were regular customers of Balenciaga. During the Spanish civil war, he was forced to relocate his business to Paris. In the meantime Gucci has bought Balenciaga and has won numerous awards for his designes and blueprints.

Balenciaga Men's Dress shirts in shops $99 You Pay $39.95

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    Thanks for the compliment I am glad you like to the comments. Men's dress shirts tend to fall into more rigid and reliable sizing rules than women's clothing, each items has a variety of sizes and colours for a given style....


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