Thursday, May 26, 2011

Why Brands Need To Hear Their Consumers

In 2011 the digital era has brought fashion into a catch up status so fierce that losing sight of what customers needs is. Of course having videos, blogs and social media sites so readily available the basics goals have changed little. The brands and the consumer can both benefit by having human needs and wants. Psychological brain storming in the fashion industry is what it comes down to. The basic idea is how brands and designers fit into the lives of their consumers. Communication is paramount to reach an intimate level with clients.
It is important for designers to be conversant with the simple human necessities so they can develop strategies that help them satisfy the needs of their consumers. Once designers and brands acknowledge that most of consumers interests are not today are wants, but rather historical and traditional needs, we can all move on and ultimately profit.
There is a demand for certain commodities such as food apparel, housing and security to name a few. What most brands need to do is simply figure out why competitors choose one product or service over others. They need to integrate their ideas with the consumer in a genuine manner to get their point across. This is where vlogging, video and social media sites and high end classifieds come into play.  Brand conglomerates have many venues to choose from so it is important and it would be prudent to utilize these methods.
Humans are love and emotional creatures that like to part of something good and organized. This is what makes us human. This is a good viable effect and is why the face book social site and many many others are doing so well in rankings from Google and other search engines. People like to connect to other people. Even the niche sites do well in ranking such as Twitter.
Most brands are now catching on to the social site scene now, but some are still in the slower stages.  Modern times are here and it’s time for the thinking caps to be on.
Humans require a sense of control and power.  Knowledge, Education, self-esteem and achievements are all important components of these elements. People are savvier now that the internet is offering higher education, better communication and overall life experiences.
Because crowd sourcing has made strides consumers understand the power they have attained, and with the interjection of social media this is a strong army of customers which brands need to grasp.  Company’s need to heed these trendy transitions, and help put some of the power into their client’s fingertips.
People like freedom of choice in order to feel independent and safe.  With modernization and democracy has brought about many freedoms, and we are all aware of the many choices available offline as well as online. People like autonomy and want to enjoy their own individuality.  When people are free, they tend to feel better about themselves and others, just look at what is happening in the Middle East.
Fashion brands and others, should nurture and be aware of their customers need for options by providing selection whenever possible.  This means connecting to the potential clients and understanding their needs.  In order to build brand loyalty companies need to integrate their goals with the customers.  Even bringing in consumer engagement will create a sense of loyalty. After all, people want the ability to make choices and pursue the things that make them fulfilled and joyous.
People want and need fun. Even in business. People are at work at jobs everyday playing face book games or from other companies. By nature, people want pleasure and avoid hardship.  Today, it is a fast paced work force and many people like to have leisure time for themselves. At the same time, no matter how old we get, our inner child still likes to play.
This is why media is focusing on it and social networks have caught on. They have figured out it is a basic need. And it certainly is a goal in meetings every Monday morning at most companies in 2011.  This is why we see new games on Facebook and other similar sites.  It’s the reason some overnight successes have some about recently. This is why millions of people embrace these companies and it is important for companies to realize it and take advantage of it while it is out there. Quite frankly, sometimes people just want to have fun and enjoy life.  Entertaining customers is the name of the game for years to come. This will enhance brand-customer relationships and make the retail entities and fashion world a much more fun destination.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Want To Buy A Men's Shirt But Not Sure What Fabric or Style?

In today’s fast paced society, businessmen just don’t have the time to try on tons of shirts to be fashionable. We here at Shirtsgonewild have compiled some fabric fashion hints to make the right decision on what material might work best in the warmer spring and summer months.

There are a few important objectives; one needs to know to look their best. Visual appearance, feel, comfort, and value. All of these elements will give you what you need out to have fashion and style.

Decide whether the look of the shirt should be a print or a solid color. This will depend where you are going and what you are doing. If you are going to lunch on the pier a nice island print would work against the sun reflecting off your mens silk camp shirt. If you are going to the museum or art gallery a solid works much better for blending purposes. One would not want to have a psychedelic print or paisley look while looking at a bright colorful piece of artwork.  Button down shirts will work well for these semi-formal events.

Next up is the feel or texture of the shirt. Don’t be shy when it comes to how a shirt will feel on your body against your skin. Especially in the warmer weather, being as cool as possible is the most important aspect. Ahimsa silk is an amazing peaceful material manufactured in a non violent nature. Made outside the cocoon, Ahimsa silk was created in the nineties. These men’s silk shirts are amazing to the touch and quite honestly supersede the regular silk process. Organic cotton shirts are another wonderful feel to the body. Both can be purchased at finer stores. Linen is absolutely amazing for summer wear however one must remember the wrinkling of the material. It is much better to have a linen-silk mix or linen cotton mix. These can be purchased at ShirtsGoneWild or other fine mens shirts outlets. Wearing a wool or flannel would not be the way to go in the warmer weather even if it does get colder at night. The beauty of cotton silk mix fabrics are the fact that it keeps a person warm or cool depending on the climatic conditions.

Finally, you don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on men’s designer shirts for opulence. Many boutiques or department stores are charging way too much for high quality shirts and it’s just not necessary. A high quality mens designer shirt should set you back no more than $89-$99 at most. To spend three hundred dollars for an Armani mens polo or dress shirt is just bad decision making. For best deals on authentic mens brand name Italian made shirts shop around. ShirtsGoneWild has many amazing prices and have a buy 1 get 1 free policy and free shipping. This should give you a very good start on purchasing your next men’s casual or dress shirt.


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Balenciaga mens dress shirts-Balenciaga less than retail-Shirtsgonewild

Balenciaga mens dress shirts-Balenciaga less than retail-Shirtsgonewild

Cristobal Balenciaga opened his business in San Sebastian, Spain 1918; which grew rapidly and soon he had many branches, including in the European metropoles Madrid and Barcelona. The Spanish royal family and the aristoracy were regular customers of Balenciaga. During the Spanish civil war, he was forced to relocate his business to Paris. In the meantime Gucci has bought Balenciaga and has won numerous awards for his designes and blueprints.

Balenciaga Men's Dress shirts in shops $99 You Pay $39.95

Friday, May 20, 2011

Want To Buy a Men's Shirts But Not Sure Of What Style Or Fabric?

Ahimsa silkIn today’s fast paced society, businessmen just don’t have the time to try on tons of shirts to be fashionable. We here at Shirtsgonewild have compiled some fabric fashion hints to make the right decision on what material might work best in the warmer spring and summer months.
There are a few important objectives; one needs to know to look their best. Visual appearance, feel, comfort, and value. All of these elements will give you what you need out to have fashion and style.
Decide whether the look of the shirt should be a print or a solid color. This will depend where you are going and what you are doing. If you are going to lunch on the pier a nice island print would work against the sun reflecting off your mens silk camp shirt. If you are going to the museum or art gallery a solid works much better for blending purposes. One would not want to have a psychedelic print or paisley look while looking at a bright colorful piece of artwork.  Button down shirts will work well for these semi-formal events.
Next up is the feel or texture of the shirt. Don’t be shy when it comes to how a shirt will feel on your body against your skin. Especially in the warmer weather, being as cool as possible is the most important aspect. Ahimsa silk is an amazing peaceful material manufactured in a non violent nature. Made outside the cocoon, Ahimsa silk was created in the nineties. These men’s silk shirts are amazing to the touch and quite honestly supersede the regular silk process. Organic cotton shirts are another wonderful feel to the body. Both can be purchased at finer stores. Linen is absolutely amazing for summer wear however one must remember the wrinkling of the material. It is much better to have a linen-silk mix or linen cotton mix. These can be purchased at ShirtsGoneWild or other fine mens shirts outlets. Wearing a wool or flannel would not be the way to go in the warmer weather even if it does get colder at night. The beauty of cotton silk mix fabrics are the fact that it keeps a person warm or cool depending on the climatic conditions.
Finally, you don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on men’s designer shirts for opulence. Many boutiques or department stores are charging way too much for high quality shirts and it’s just not necessary. A high quality mens designer shirt should set you back no more than $89-$99 at most. To spend three hundred dollars for an Armani mens polo or dress shirt is just bad decision making. For best deals on authentic mens brand name Italian made shirts shop around. ShirtsGoneWild has many amazing prices and have a buy 1 get 1 free policy and free shipping. This should give you a very good start on purchasing your next men’s casual or dress shirt.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Are you Paying $240 for Armani Dress shirts?

Flannel History And The Fashion Industry

Flannel is a woven fabric that has various degrees of fineness and feel. Flannel was originally derived from wool or worsted yarn. Now it is made from synthetic fiber, cotton or wool. Flannel can be also brushed to create finer soft material. This process is mechanical and done primarily with a metal brush. Flannel has either a single or double nap (raised fiber) on 1 or both sides of the fabric. Usually, Flannel is used in bedding and clothing.                                                                                                       
The true origin of Flannel is unknown, but it is suspected to have come from Wales. Subsequently the French and Germans used the fabric in the 17th and 16th century. Cotton was used in many smaller areas of Wales for face washing mostly, but it found a home in the bathroom as time moved on in many European communities.
In the 19th Century, flannel moved evolved to clothing manufacturing. During the early part of the 20th Century, wealthy socialites were purchasing Flannel for beach outfits and towels. As time moved on that job went to cotton.
Finally, the clothing industry still makes shirts for casual use made from napped Flannel. This end product is warm yet cool and many consumers have noticed its reliability in the washing machine. The best setting for washing is on warm water.                                                               

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Bamboo Its Industry History & Fashion Assets

Bamboo is one of the most incredible plants on our earth today. It is used in a variety of industry settings from construction to fashion. Although basically a simple structured plant, bamboo is stronger than oak and has roots that spread deep and wide in the soil and can be grown from sea level to ten thousand feet in the mountains.
Bamboo has many benefits. It is used in so many industries because of its quick growing ability. All this amazing plant needs is water and sun. Bamboo in the fashion industry feels like silk on your body but it is much stronger and won’t shrink. Caring for it is easy just put it in the washer and dryer or air dry it and you are ready to go. Bamboo also releases 35% more oxygen than its tree counterparts. Bamboo is used for food to feed most of Asia. The Chinese eat two hundred thousand metric tons each year. This plant also feeds many animals from Koala bears to ground hogs. Another environmental effect is the fact that Bamboo holds 2 times the water than trees do and can keep soil to a nutritional maximum.
In the construction industry Bamboo has great history as well. Because of its strength during earthquakes it can withstand many times the shake down of a 7.9 on the Richter scale. The roots spread and thus expansion is widened to maintain an even layer throughout the soil.  Even hardwood furniture is made from Bamboo. Much flooring and Asian style futon couches are made from this wood. This plant can withstand over 50,000 pounds per square inch of pressure which almost as strong as soft steel. You can imagine the strength in your furniture.                                                                                            
Bamboo also has a healing effect. The secretion from the plant called Tabasheer is used to treat pulmonary coughing and asthma. Black Bamboo treats Kidney disease. The root and leaves of Bamboo treat Venereal disease and Cancer.                                                                                 
Finally, in its history, Bamboo can be seen on body armor on the Romans to pool lining during the Thomas Edison age. And although it has amazing uses and a place in our world, it is not perfect. Bamboo is broken down by caustic soda for textile use and fabric conversion. Not the best organic method considering caustic soda is a chemical. In our new days ahead in our wonderful future with this Earth given entity, we will see new natural processes as we have seen in the Silk industry utilizing the Ahimsa process, which allows us to make silk shirts and apparel non-violently. 

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Corduroy-Fashion-Material for the Kings

Corduroy is a textile that has twisted fibers and lies parallel to its side from one another to make a pattern. Many designers such as risque JoeyJ uses it much like Twill in his shirt designs.It is basically a form of velvet to a degree. It is extremely durable and is made for pants, shirts and other fashionable clothing. It comes in varied widths known as wales.  This is defined as the number of ridges per inch.  Standards for Corduroy are about 10-12 per inch.

There are three different types of Corduroy:


Corduroy for mens fashion

Standard: 11 wales/inch Fantastic and durable. It has longevity in its fibers. This is used for fashion and comes in a variety of colors.

Pincord/Wale/Needlecord: This is the highest quality and is over 16 wales/inch. This will feel like velvet.  A wonderful softness.

Pigment Dye/printed: This is a process of dying the material. There will be a settling of the color and no two will appear the same. This will give the material much more of an original look. progressive companies much like ShirtsGoneWild has made strides with this material for the 2012 year already on the board for processing at their Italian Couture. New innovative apparel is coming to fruition in the next 12 months by this company and others.

Corduroy By ShirtsGoneWild

Corduroy 16 Wale

Corduroy in some European countries is widely used because of it warmth and the climatic conditions indigenous to that nation. More soft colors for this textile will be in fashion in the coming years and new designers of menswear will be on notice because of rising sales. As in most industries the first on board usually is the leader in the field of fashion. The sales are driven by the end user who has the initial fashion taste once it catches in the minds of many and their ability to feel and touch this fine fabric. Pricing is usually a consideration, however in the new world fashion order this will a small one.